Saturday, January 19, 2013

Long overdue update

Wow, I guess it's been a while since I last posted here. I never really got motivated enough to count calories before my sister's wedding. I made some a half-hearted effort to lose some weight before the wedding by exercising and increasing my fiber intake and I lost about 5 pounds. I was about 185 pounds on the day of the wedding. The weird thing is, now almost four months after the wedding I'm in the mid-170's. So I've lost about an additional 10 pounds since then and I really didn't have a reason to. I admit I was going through some emotional issues the past few months and honestly some days I found I didn't have an appetite. That seems weird to me since usually when I'm dealing with negative emotions I will eat more, but in this case I actually had less of an appetite. I'm not completely out dealing with this issue, but I have noticed my appetite has come back over the past few weeks. That 10 pounds was probably the "easiest" 10 pounds I've ever lost because I wasn't trying to eat healthy or exercise - it just happened. But now that I did lose that weight, I don't want to gain it back. A few months ago I had given in and bought some size 16 jeans, now I can fit into my size 14's again! Hopefully I can at least maintain this weight, if not drop some more!