Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trying low carb/high protien diet

Last post I had written was a debate between whether or not I should eat meat to have optimal health. For now I am going the high protein route. My husband is dealing with his own weight issues and has been working out with a personal trainer once a week for about a year now. Unfortunately he has not gotten the results he is looking for - he's actually heavier than he was this time last year. So he finally asked his trainer for suggestions for improving his diet. Her advice was pretty much to do a low carb diet. No pasta, bread or cheese (so there goes my plan of having spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner once a week). So because he is trying to eat low carb, it would give me a good opportunity to try it too. It's only been 2 days, and I've already "cheated" quite a bit, but I have eaten fewer carbohydrates than I normally would just by eating meals with him. It's too early to weigh in and see if this is helping. But man, a big bowl of cereal sounds good right now!

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