I had a blog on Spark People that I posted on once in a while. I thought I'd copy what I had written there to give you a better idea of my history:
Monday, August 31, 2009
I was just going to title this blog entry "Trying this again", then I noticed my last entry over 8 months ago was also titled that way. As you can probably guess, I have not not anything about it. On August 15th, I went to a wedding and was wearing my dress slacks, but I was so uncomfortable the whole day because my pants were so tight. So for the past week or so I have been tracking my daily calories. I was doing ok, but this weekend wasn't that great.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Just wanted to check in and write an update. I've been counting calories for the past 3 weeks or so. I've been trying to keep the calories I consume minus what I burn at the gym below 2200 per day, ideally around 1,700 per day. I've had a few bad days (going to the fair, spending a weekend with the family) but for the most part I've been keeping the calories in check and going to the gym nearly every day. I've usually been in the 176-180 pound range for a year or two. This morning I was 172.4. So, I'm making some progress!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Apparently cold and flu season is upon us because I came down with a nasty sore throat yesterday. Today the throat is feeling a little better, but I feel weak and want some comfort food. Because I feel so weak, I don't want to exercise either. Hopefully this passes soon. On a happier note, I now weigh 169.1! I hit 169.8 last Friday and have been 169 point something every day the past week except Saturday (where I think I was 170 point something). So I'm definitely happy to be in the "160's" again! The scale hasn't gone down much this past week, but until this cold passes, I'll be happy just to maintain the 169 point something weight.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I've been around 165 for the past couple weeks. The weight loss has slowed down, but at least it hasn't gone in the wrong direction. I'm still going to the gym almost every day. I usually go on the treadmill or elliptical. I know I should be doing some weight training along with the cardio, but I actually prefer the cardio, so it's difficult to get motivated to try weight training. They have a bunch of weight training machines at the gym, but I don't really know how to use them.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm happy to say I've been consistently in the 150's for a couple weeks! I've been averaging around 157-158 or so. On Thanksgiving I had a few relatives ask me if I'm losing weight, so it must be enough to notice. I'm running out of clothes - especially pants - to wear because they're too big on me. I hope I can maintain this weight and even drop another 10 or 15 pounds, but I haven't been eating very well and I'm sick so I haven't been exercising much. I hope to get back on track with my eating and exercise (once I'm feeling better) this week.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I haven't updated in a while. I got as low as 151.8 recently, but a week of bad eating put me back to 156.7. I figured it would be ok if I maintain during the month of December because of the holidays and all the events that had food. I also thought it would be easier to eat better in the month of January since there will be less temptations and get togethers. However, so far I think I've eaten worse this month than last month. Some of the days I went over my calorie budget were from going out to eat with friends and family, but most of the days were just regular days that I over ate at home. So today I have set a small goal of just eating under 2000 calories. Ideally I'd like to be eating around 1700 a day, but 2000 would be just slightly under maintain weight calories. I'll let you know if I am successful in doing so (don't know if anyone will actually read this, but it's some accountability).
Thursday, January 14, 2010
As I mentioned in my previous blog, I will report back how many calories I ate today (my goal was just to eat less than 2,000). I'm happy to report I did meet my goal of eating under 2,000 calories! Actually I exceed my goal - I had 1,690 calories today! Let's make it 2 days in a row under 2,000!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
I ate 1940 calories today. Not as good as yesterday, but met my goal of being under 2000. Oh and I burned 220 at the gym, so that helps too.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I want to lose 5 more pounds before I leave for my vacation on May13... So I'm going to make it a goal to burn 17,500 calories through exercise (3,500 calories = 1 pound) by then. So I have to burn an average of 222 calories a day. Sounds simple enough, hopefully it'll work. Of course if I eat over my maintain weight calories, then I'll have to re-burn those calories.... so if I eat 300 over my daily calories, then I'll add those calories back to my running total. So as of right now my running total is 17,300 :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I had to re-evaluate my 17,500 calorie challenge (see my last blog last entry). With my husband's grandpa dying and causing us to be out of town for 5 days in the beginning of the month, I didn't track my calories, and it really got me off track. I was looking at my chart and noticed I somehow my calculations got off by 965 calories and somehow got on the wrong day... I can't figure out where I made my errors, so I'm just going to scrap it and start over. I went through and reevaluated where I think I was, and it was at about 12,690 left to go (4,810 calories burned!). So I'm just going to start clean with a new goal: 12,500 calories burned in 50 days. That comes out to 250 calories burned a day. The same rules with overeating apply - if I eat over 2,000 calories, then I have to add those back into my total. In other news, my size 12 jeans are literally falling off, so I guess I have to go shopping soon!
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
I got down to 145 pounds in May - June, but since then I have not been motivated to track as often and eat healthy. Now I'm dealing with a new challenge that is making if more difficult to keep the calories low - I have to get up at 5:30AM to get to my job. So by the time I get home from work, I need "energy" which is usually in the form of junk food. Since I'm not sleeping as much, I'm also eating more calories just because I'm awake more hours of the day, therefore eating more. And because I am tired and don't feel like exercising as much. It's frustrating! I weighed in at 152 last I checked... I don't want to gain this weight back:(
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